Technologies for a better & sustainable future
By 2050,
The world population is expected to reach
10 billion
Traditional farming methods are no longer efficient in supplying world population with healthy crops.
New developments in agricultural Technologies are crucial in food production methods for a sustainable future.
We are running
out of water!
Water covers 71% of the world’s surface, yet only 3% is suitable for human consumption and farming.
Due to inefficient farming methods water consumption is rising at a rate never seen before.
Global demand for water consumption is expected to increase by 50% in 2030.
Agriculture is both the main cause and the victim of water scarcity. It accounts for an estimated 70% of global water withdrawals, heavily stressing freshwater resources by irrigation. This also results in soil salinization, leading to further declines in crop quality.
In 1980, 1.7 billion people, accounting for 34% of the world’s population, lived in cities, whereas by 2015, this number had risen up to 3.9 billion. This accounts for 54% of the global population. By 2050, its predicted 64% of the world’s population, 6.4 billion people, will be living in cities.
Urbanization causes numerous challenges in production and in consumption of crops.
• Less people to produce crops to feed more people
• Longer distances to transport food causing high prices
Health & Soil
Pesticides and hormones
Harmful insects, pathogenic organisms and changing climate conditions are making it harder for farmers to achieve this goal every year. Many farmers use harmful pesticides to protect their crops from external factors and use additional hormones to boost crop growth.
The affects of these harmful chemicals on human body is detrimental.
While poisoning our bodies, pesticides and hormones also destroy the fertility of agricultural lands and contaminate underground water reservoirs.
All crops need different climate conditions to grow and thus they have to be grown across further lands and transported into cities.
This transportation process causes additional unnecessary carbon emissions, increases food prices and reduces freshness.
Vertical farming facilities operating in urban areas minimizes transportation. Thus, crops produced in vertical farms have much less carbon emissions, are always fresh and does not carry the burden of high transportation cost.
The solution!
Farmicca CEA Ecosystem
Healthy & fresh
Climate independent
Highly Efficient
Fast ROI
Closed-loop systems in vertical farming recycle nutrients and water, minimizing waste. Additionally, by growing crops near consumers and reducing spoilage during transportation, vertical farming contributes to reducing food waste.
Waste Reduction
Vertical farming optimizes resource usage by utilizing LED lighting, renewable energy sources, and automated systems. Advanced technologies, such as energy-efficient climate controls, make vertical farming a sustainable and eco-friendly option.
Sustainable Resource Use
By producing food near its point of consumption, vertical farming significantly reduces the distance food travels from farm to table. This not only cuts emissions but also minimizes post-harvest losses, ensuring more food reaches consumers.
Reduced Food Miles
Vertical farms can be established in urban centers, closer to consumers. This reduces transportation costs and carbon emissions associated with long supply chains, ensuring fresher produce with a lower environmental footprint.
Local and Urban Food Production
With precise control over light, temperature, humidity, and nutrient levels, vertical farming allows for optimal growing conditions. This leads to faster growth cycles, higher yields, and consistent crop quality. Additionally, crops can be tailored to have enhanced flavor, texture, and nutritional content.
Enhanced Crop Quality
Controlled environments protect crops from pests and diseases, reducing or eliminating the need for chemical pesticides and herbicides. This results in cleaner, healthier produce and minimizes harmful environmental impacts.
Minimized Use of Chemicals
Vertical farming uses innovative techniques such as hydroponics and aeroponics, which require significantly less water than conventional soil-based agriculture. These methods recycle water within the system, reducing water waste by up to 90% compared to traditional farming.
Reduced Water Usage
By growing crops vertically in stacked layers, vertical farming maximizes land use. This is particularly beneficial in urban areas where arable land is scarce and expensive. A single vertical farm can produce the equivalent yield of a much larger traditional farm.
Efficient Land Use
Indoor vertical farming is revolutionizing the agricultural industry by offering innovative solutions to many of the challenges faced by traditional farming methods. With growing global concerns about food security, resource depletion, and climate change, vertical farming provides a sustainable and efficient alternative for food production.
Year-Round Crop Production